
— usual flowers,
unusual arrangements

Polaroid of Lyon at friend's pottery showing.

Hi. I'm Lyon.

I'm a multimedia designer based in New York City. More importantly, I work with flowers and specialize in freestyle ikebana arrangements. I'm a self-taught practitioner who originally studied and arranged flowers in the classic Moribana style.

Since then, I've continued to hone my craft and focus more on creating unorthodox arrangements, hoping to challenge existing ikebana norms and the limits of floral forms.

My goal is to transform usual flowers into unusual arrangements.

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Lyon's signature
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What I do

Gifts and Commissions (main picture)Gifts and Commissions (Overlay Picture)

Gifts & Commissions

Personalized ikebana pieces tailored to a client's unique vision.

Events (Main Picture)Events (Overlay Picture)


Statement ikebana arrangements to light up a space as well as the conversations.

Commercial Installations (Main Picture)Commercial Installations (Overlay Picture)

Commercial Installations

Decorative freestyle ikebana to highlight your products, services and brand.

ikke ikebana arrangements are purposefully unorthodox compositions. It's my favorite thing when I get to display flowers in ways and places they don't usually belong.

The funkier they look, the better.

The Details

What usually goes into Ikebana arrangements?
Vessel (main picture)Vessel (alt picture)


Bowls, vases, tabletops or whatever forms the base of the arrangements.
Kenzan (alt picture)Kenzan (main picture)


Pointed needle holders that keep flowers, stems and materials in place.
Shears (main picture)Shears (alt picture)

Shears et al.

Specialized tools to prune and mold flowers (including metal wires, tape and sticks).
Flowers (alt picture)Flowers (main picture)


Freshly sourced the morning of from NYC's Flower District and local flower shops.

The Process

My approach for ikke requests and projects

Ikebana and Floral Art Consultation


Discuss your commission request over a video consultation

Ikebana and Floral Art Design


Finalize your vision, flower types, materials and techniques

Ikebana and Floral Art Installation


Deliver your finished arrangement the day of or install it on-site

Got ikke questions?

Ask and you shall receive.

Why is it called ikke?
ikke Black Logo

ikke is a playful version of ikebana. At least that's what it sounds like to me and playfulness is the emotional quality I intend to channel each time I make an arrangement.

How can I start ikebana myself?
ikke Black Logo

Anyone can start exploring the world of Ikebana and more importantly, the world of flower arrangement is much larger than ikebana alone. You can sign up for introductory workshops in your area and watch a myriad YouTube tutorial videos on the topic.

If you prefer to jump right in, I'd recommend starting at home with a vase or bowl and picking up a small assortment of flowers from your local grocery.

Here's a great reading accompaniment for getting started: Ikebana: The Art of Arranging Flowers.

How do you take commissions?
ikke Black Logo

I review project requests on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If the project is something I'm interested in and available for, I'll reach out to schedule a consultation with the client to discuss timeline, budget and vision and to see if I am the right fit.

What’s your favorite flower?
ikke Black Logo

Tough question but I'd say an orange Gerbera daisy.

ikke Orange Gerbara
ikke Orange Gerbara

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